Yao Zhang - Ongoing

Work is just a part of life, and life should be rich and fulfilling. Though there are many things I want to achieve in my career, I sometimes feel limited by my lack of natural talent. Nevertheless, I have a strong passion for mathematics and am committed to putting in the hard work, even if it means focusing on small tasks. Recently, I have been mainly working on projects related to the materials provided below. Despite the challenges, I continue to dedicate myself to learning and improving my skills, knowing that persistence and effort will lead to progress.

Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff Equation

  1. Neutron Stars    Problem Set

  2. GW170817: Measurements of Neutron Star Radii and Equation of State     Deep TOV to Characterize Neutron Stars

Holographic Quantum Chromodynamics

  1. Hot QCD Phase Diagram from Holographic Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Models

  2. Neural ODE Approach to the Magnetic QCD Phase Diagram via Holography    Supplementary Material

  3. Neural Ordinary Differential Equation and Holographic Quantum Chromodynamics

  4. Master's Thesis by Wang    Master's Thesis by Fu    Gauss Bonnet Dilaton Gravity

  5. QCD Phase Structure from Holographic Models

Survival Analysis

  1. Chapter 1    Conditional Survival Analysis    Deep Survival Analysis Models

Artificial Intelligence for Brain Disorders

  1. Head CT Deep Learning Model is Highly Accurate for Early Infarct Estimation

  2. Deep Learning Based Detection of Vessel Occlusions on CT Angiography in Patients with Suspected Acute Ischemic Stroke