Yao Zhang - Scientific Machine Learning, SciML

Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) is a rapidly emerging discipline within the data science community, aimed at addressing domain-specific data challenges and deriving insights from scientific datasets through innovative methodologies. By integrating tools from both machine learning and scientific computing, SciML develops scalable, domain-aware, robust, reliable, and interpretable approaches for data analysis and learning. These advancements are poised to fuel the next wave of data-driven scientific breakthroughs, particularly in the physical and engineering sciences. Like scientific computing, SciML is inherently multidisciplinary, drawing upon expertise in applied and computational mathematics, computer science, and the physical sciences to tackle complex problems.

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence in the Sciences and Engineering

  1. Introduction to deep learning

  2. Importance of partial differential equations in sciences

  3. Physics-informed neural networks

  4. Operator learning

  5. Diffusion models

  6. Differentiable physics

  7. Hybrid workflows

  8. Neural differnetial equation

  9. Introduction to JAX

  10. Symbolic regression and equation discovery

  11. Machine learning in chemistry and biology

Optimization Methods for Machine Learning
